Two Peas in a Pod
In an article headlined Podcasting Technology Promotes Convenience, Infotainment Learning and dated March 8, 2006 Kellye Whitney of CLO Magazine reports:
"Research conducted in August of 2005 by mobile market intelligence company CLX showed that 15 percent of U.S. respondents listen to podcasts. While the technology is fairly new and seemingly perfect for a younger audience, apparently podcasting also has great appeal for the mid-40s and older crowd. Research data indicated that the two groups most likely to listen to podcasts are 45- to 55-year-olds and 55-year-olds and over, which indicates that there might be some real value in using this new technology to create learning programs that appeal to all ages."
"Mid-forties and older crowd" sure includes me . . . and I guess Peter Adamson (my fellow learner in the unworkshop) is part of that demographic too. Thursday morning we compared notes in a Skype call across the Atlantic. We are auditory drop-outs. Tapes of conference sessions are purchased, placed in the player and started again, and again . . . We are engaged by the world we can see and touch. Listening is our least effective means of learning. Added to this life experience is the annecdotal information that instructional designers have used for at least a generation as the basis of reducing lectures and increasing experiential learning. Until these researchers invite Peter and me to be subjects of podcasting research, I'll remain a little doubtful that the Boomers and Pre-boomers will be sporting iPods.
Remember what Confucious said:
I enjoy podcasts when I have a long drive. I'll pick up something from ITConversations or EdTechTalk and listen to that when I'm stuck going down the highway with nothing else to do.
One suggestion I made to a client (though not yet implemented) was to record their "lunch & learn" sessions at the hospital for those who couldn't attend in person. These could be made available as audio CD's for people on their commute, as well as downloadable MP3 files for those with the players. We'll see if it catches on.
Harold Jarche, at 3/12/2006 09:05:00 PM
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